And the reason I had 40 pounds of mods is because I used the new 'favorites' feature a lot and went into my inventory less than ever, all the while collecting standard 'mods' that the game never was telling me were being added to my inventory.

while logically I should have assumed that removing non-standard mods would result in having that mod exist somewhere in my inventory or the workshop's, I never would have expected gaining standard 'mods' from modding. This really is an issue when combined with the fact that standard 'mods' come off when modding items. all there is is the XP gain notification for crafting. I just tested it out to prove I'm not crazy, and when you mod a weapon, there's never an indication you took anything off it and put it in your inventory. Lastly, I think it could be more clear that the mods are added to your inventory. Which are totally useless unless you *want* to revert a modded weapon back to standard issue, which is not something that will happen often at all. modding a fully standard item results in having to grab off of it a couple pounds of standard mods.

they should simply be the basic state of the weapon, which is then over-written by the mod. I mean, the standard settings for a weapon aren't really mods. Secondly, modding a totally standard weapon results in adding standard 'mods' into your personal inventory. Along with that, warn me that any mods I remove end up in my inventory rather than the workshop inventory. So, here are a few things I'm thinking, now:įor one, like I already wrote, the game should at least give a warning that weapon mods take up weight when you first go to a bench. I only began thinking of all this after I got dozens of hours into the game and I realized that I had 'phantom' weight somehow, only to then check every single item and find that the 'phantom' weight was in fact 40 pounds of weapon mods. It makes sense, but for a variety of reasons I'll get into below, it could have been handled a bit better. Here's something I wish I knew earlier, and that should have been pointed out the first time when modding a weapon at a bench.