Imperial civil war 2.2
Imperial civil war 2.2

imperial civil war 2.2

Shortly after Captain Oberstein returned to Iserlohn, the fortress was attacked and subsequently captured by FPA admiral Yang Wenli's 13th Fleet in the Fifth Battle of Tiamat. Oberstein thought his own talents were wasted under an incomptent commander, and approached Siegfried Kircheis shortly after the Battle of Astate, indicating a desire to serve under Reinhard von Lohengramm, having successfully discrerned Reinhard's true political ambitions. Paul von Oberstein is first seen as a staff officer to admiral Hans Dietrich von Seeckt, commander of the Imperial garrison fleet stationed at Iserlohn Fortress.

imperial civil war 2.2

At some point, Oberstein contemplated attempting a revolution of his own, but abandoned the ambition, realizing himself to be lacking the fundamental qualities required of a revolutionary leader. It is likely that Oberstein was forced to endure ridicule as a child for his percieved physical inferiority, and equally likely that this abuse is what fed a deep-seated resentment in him toward the nobility of the Empire and the goldenbaum Dynasty. Oberstein was granted sight through the use of a pair of cybernetic implants: artificial eyes. More than once, Oberstein commented that, had he been born but a century earlier, he might have been murdered as an infant because of his blindness in accord with the Inferior Genes Exclusion Act. Little is known of Oberstein's childhood, other than that he caught a disese rendering him blind.

  • 2.2 FPA invasion and Imperial Civil War.

  • Imperial civil war 2.2